By Mae Kowalke
Cloud Call Center Resource Contributor
In case you haven’t noticed, just about every service is now available online as a cloud-based app. The cloud is a serious game-changer, and every business that can move their operation to the cloud is doing so or already has made the jump.
Consumers and businesses looking for services are bullish on the cloud, too, and they are starting to expect cloud solutions instead of on-premises.
This changing preference can be a challenge for agents that sell services, especially if their portfolio of solutions is not cloud-heavy.
But master agent, ITD Solutions, is looking to help.
ITD is making a strong focus on cloud solutions for its agents, lining up cloud vendors that give its agents a strong cloud portfolio that can meet or exceed the expectations of customers.
“If you need help finding your customers the best solution for, say, virtual servers or virtual desktops, remote storage, or email backup, we help you find the best solution, help negotiate a contract, and help manage the implementation process,” said Darren Tessitore during a recent TMCnet interview, executive vice president of sales and marketing for ITD Solutions.
Not only has ITD put together a strong portfolio of cloud offerings for its agents, but it also helps show them how to sell the offerings.
“We train our agents in what the cloud is, how it works, and how to position and sell it,” he told TMCnet. “Also, how to make sure it’s implemented smoothly so you don’t get stuck or lost along the way and lose a customer.”
Part of that means also understanding the vendor that is being sold, not just knowing about the cloud. Like any service, cloud solutions all come with strengths and weaknesses; understanding the vendor solutions fully and being able to appropriately guide customers is key and a foundational part of the value proposition for agents.
“We know our vendors; their strengths and weaknesses,” noted Tessitore. “When we sell an opportunity, we make sure it’s the right fit for the customer based on what’s in their environment.”
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